New Finished Watercolor Painting

Yes, friends, another watercolor painting is off the block. And it's a happy day. 

Sunburst ©2012 Dora Sislian Themelis
14x20 Watercolor, Arches 140lb cold press
Let me tell you what I'm not sure about. I'm not thrilled with my photo taking skills. I have tried bright natural light, and sometimes it's too much light. 

Then I tried softer daylight, with a sheer curtain, still no good. Today I took this photo with the flash on, all quite by accident, and it's not all that bad. I think I lost some color in there somewhere, but the photo without flash was dull. Am I going to need to take a course, or what? 

Almost finished photo, no flash, bright desk lamp
A photographer at the art event asked me if I knew how to take photos of my work by zooming in on the painting first. Yes, I knew that, but I should've asked more questions. Better yet, I should have asked him to take the photos. I wonder if that would be a good idea? Next time, my brain needs to work faster.

This might be the only work I get done this week. Our big, fat Greek festival is happening this weekend, and you know what that means? Craziness. I'll try to update you.


  1. Love the painting. I get the same problem photographing, mind you I do only have a cheapy camera Finepix Z90 so definitely not fancy. It often takes me several goes to get a half decent pic for my blog.

  2. Beautiful, Dora! I usually think natural light works best, but am definitely no expert! Sometimes, it is just easier to scan the painting and let the scanner worry about the lighting!

    1. I don't think the painting would fit on the scanner, unless it's a really big one!

  3. Hey, Dora-
    My scanner is fair size (Epson 10000xl)- but I can scan larger paintings in parts (half at a time) then use a program like Double Take that merges the scans. I've scanned my 18 X24's that way.
    Anyway, beautiful work, and I like both photos!


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