Painting Photo for Friday

Cooper's Farm ©2011 Dora Sislian Themelis
14x20 Watercolor
Finished another watercolor painting! I am on a roll. Actually, I just wanted this one done with. When I am ready for something else I get antsy to finish and continue. Not like other times when I don't even touch the paints. No, I am trying to behave and keep working.

For each painting session I was still using twenty minute segments, letting the work dry in between. And here I am painting from photographs, too. There was a time I just couldn't do that. The subject had to be live. But the blue tractor was adorable, and I liked the scenery. So there you go.

Now I'm over it. 


  1. Love this, Dora! Reminds me of my father in law's old tractor- you are motivating me to get back to painting!

  2. Good! Sheryl you must paint, you are so talented!

  3. Good luck! All looking great! Looking forward to saying "well done on your 100th! " :)

  4. Hi Grace! Thank you for dropping in to comment!

  5. Paula- I am chugging along, slowly, but surely. I really appreciate the comments!


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