The Dream Corner
My cozy spot is a corner of a love seat on one end of my living room. The living and dining room is the typical L-shaped area of the 1950's ranch house. The little sofa sits on a small wall opposite the main seating area in a corner of the "L". Since I decided to place this piece of furniture in it's spot, it has become "the" seating of the room. Besides me, everyone who visits likes to sit there. This seat has a view of everything: the conversation area and fireplace, the dining table, the corner TV, the view out the window, and a tiny bit of the kitchen, but it's out of the way. Sitting there is like hiding from the goings-on.
This little spot is my dream corner. My favorite books are across from the sofa on a shelf where I keep a few family photos. A small CD player sits on the shelf with the books. Knitting supplies are in a neat Asian-style box next to the sofa, with yarn and beading supplies in a basket on the floor. A small sketchbook is within easy reach. I can look outside the windows of the french door and see the garden flowers in the summer and snow in the winter.
At breaks in my day and in the evening I sit in my cozy corner. I can see what's on the television, but I don't have to be involved in it. My husband is in charge of the the remote anyway. I can be sitting in the room, but be far away in my own little world reading, knitting or dreaming.
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